Monday, 15 January 2018

Cheers to 2018! Let's stop bullying!

Hey all,

It's been a very long time since I've had the chance to upload fresh words. I apologize. Things got so busy so fast I just had to try to keep my head above water. But, hey I managed to do just that and I'm happy that I get to write again. I've had a block for a while, I just couldn't figure out what to write or if I should write but why not jump back into it. Sometimes I get tons of ideas and I found it's best if I take it one step at a time. So, after a year I am back. Happy New Year even though we're already 15 days in! Let's all make this one awesome year. Let's fill it with accomplishments, happiness and more importantly Kindness.

Over the past week, I was out with a really bad cold, so on my way to recovery I read a few books (mostly mysteries) and watched a few movies. Today when I got home I curled up next to the fire place and was watching a movie on youtube call "Cyber Bullying" and seeing this movie made me remember all the times in high school when I was called names. When I was down about it, I had a support team reminding me that words don't make you. You are what you tell yourself you are not what others tell you that you are. 

Words do hurt and it is important to remember that our tongue is the sharpest knife you could find. Whenever you see someone being bullied don't be afraid to speak up. Never let your fear put you on the back burner, speak up!

If you ever feel like you're the one that's being bullied, don't get even, speak up and let society handle the rest. Voice your opinion and let the person know. Don't let anyone ever take you for granted and walk all over you. Let your voice be heard. 

Reduce the hate in the world and be a friend. Be someone that others can turn to in their time of need. Make a difference!

Until next time....

Saturday, 21 January 2017

New year, who am I?

You must do the things you think you cannot do. - Eleanor Roosevelt---- Eleanor Roosevelt

Hey everyone and anyone who reads my blog.
Its been a while since I've posted anything and since this is the first time I'll be posting for the year, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Hope its a good year for you and I hope you put your best foot forward.

I've posted pieces before about who I am but it's a new year and I thought about who I am as a person and what I would like to do with myself.
Generally, you never know what the future has in store for you so the best thing I believe we could all do is prepare ourselves for the unknown. You either have success or you need to keep trying, you'll never really know unless you try, so why not be the best you that you can be.

My name is Miranda. I blog for the fun of it, its my way of putting my thoughts out there. I am a Student at York U. I'm a swimmer and a dancer. I love playing the piano and violin and I love to bake... I am a sister and I am a daughter.

Looking back I've accomplished a lot and I'm always ready to do more, always ready to learn something new, do something different, take an adventure. Who knows where life will take you? But rather than just rushing through everyday, try to remember that you're creating memories and sometimes you'll have good ones and bad ones but you should never give up on making them.

As a person, you should never make others feel bad, you should never put somebody down. Always help someone up when they're down, it wouldn't only make them feel good but you'll feel great about yourself knowing that you were able to put a smile on someone's face. I try to make everyone smile or laugh regardless of who it is or if it's the first time I'm meeting someone. It's okay if you don't like me but I will make you smile and I will help you every chance I get. its always good to lend a helping hand. Aspire to be a better person than who you were yesterday.

Got this quote and the one above from . Hope it inspires you!
The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. --- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

As a music lover I'll leave a piece at the end of my posts. Some might be my favorites. Might be instrumental might not. Nevertheless Enjoy!

That's all for now... see you soon..

                                             ---- MIRA

Saturday, 24 December 2016

Happy Christmas Eve!

Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas! 🎅🎄
Its Christmas Eve! yay!
I have to say it is my absolute favorite time of the year. The meaning of the season. All the activities leading up to the day is just awesome. And the time spent with Family.
How do you spend the holidays? How do you spend your Christmas Eve?
I believe everyone is entitled to spend this time however they please. Whether they don't like the season or if they absolutely love it and just go over board with everything, Its a matter of preference. As for me I spend this time with family. We usually get as much 'Christmassy' things in as possible. We decorate our tree, string lights and even go out to various events. This year I went to the Toronto Christmas Market and I have to say it is a new favorite for me. It just shouts out Christmas from the entrance. It was different from the Christmas festivities back home. The stalls were different. My favorite was the German handmade tree ornaments. Every ornament was unique and different from the usual spherical ornaments hung on most Christmas trees. It was amazing.
I was told about a drink called the Drink of the Gods and I just had to give it a try. It was like drinking a chocolate bar which I loved since I LOVE chocolate. You need to try it if you haven't already.

How do you usually prepare for Christmas?
I love shopping for presents and wrapping each one myself. It so much fun. And writing Christmas cards are nice, you could include your own special wishes customized for the person you intend to send it to. And why not? Everyone deserves to have a smile on their face.

How do you spend Christmas Eve?
I spend it usually with my Family. We would usually bake up a storm and drink hot chocolate and watch Christmas movies and curl up in fuzzy blankets. Home Alone usually shows all day so why not enjoy it? Its a tradition we have every year. We bake with mom and we all curl up and watch Christmas movies all night. What better way to spend the day than spending it with family?

 Christmas Cookies and Christmas Cheesecake because why not?

Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!
Until next time...

Thursday, 17 November 2016

How do you cope with your anxiety?

Hey all. Hope everyone's well.
It's been a while since I posted anything and sadly that was due to the second round of midterms. It seemed as if only yesterday I started this 'new' place but it been a few months... geez where did the time go.
I don't know how many of you get sudden anxiety attacks when it's time to write a test or a major exam but for me sometimes I do. I study weeks in advance or days in advance but when its time to actually write the exam I feel super nervous and I start to shake and my heart rate rapidly increases. So what do I do to cope with this? I do a lot actually. I listen to music right before tests sometimes or I'd do some writing. Or hey you know what I just walk outside and take some fresh air and drink some water. This helps to keep me calm. I feel less stressed. 
This is my go to song to calm my nerves.

Like other university students, I feel stressed too. For the past few weeks I've been feeling terribly homesick and I missed my parents and little sister a lot but I had to find a way to push through and I find that just finding ways to distract yourself helps cope with the sadness that tries to creep in. Sometimes skype isn't enough!

When things get hard and you feel like there's absolutely nothing you can do, just get up, put on some music and dance it out. It helps, trust me.

If I'm stuck when doing homework or an assignment or something I just get up and dance it out.

It doesn't have to be a special occasion to make yourself feel good. Just do what makes you happy and calm.

So how do you cope with your stress? I'd love to hear from you, so don't be afraid to drop a comment.

Until next time...
                                                ---- MIRA

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Don't let the Mid Terms get you down!

So it's that time of the semester where the Profs. get to be as evil as they want and Halloween is still about two weeks away. It's mid term season.
They've kept me busy so I know a post is overdue. Hope all my readers out there are doing great. And for those of you with midterms out there, don't let them get to you. Just remember you are awesome and you got this!
There will be no test that will defeat you. You will show that mid term who is the boss. That's right it's you and don't you forget it.

For me, since starting a new university, it's the first time I get to see what the mid terms are like here. Some of the Profs scare you even before the first one but it turns out its not that bad. As long as you study and stay focused its not bad at all.
But my advise to you guys, don't fall behind on your studying start from day one. It's important and don't leave any assignments to back up because it could lead to many sleepless nights if you're not careful and then you'll walk into the exam like a zombie.

But if you ever need a break from all that studying just put on some music and have yourself a little dance party. Just shake away that stress and nervousness. Remember YOU GOT THIS!

If the exams get you down, take a walk outside and look at all the colours of the leaves as they change for fall and feel as relaxed as you want. Its important to get into a good mental state so you could remain at your healthy self that you started with.

Just remember this:
Life isn't about the destination, its about the journey that gets you there...
---- MIRA

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Breaking the shell

Hey everyone!
How's the year going for you? What new thing did you accomplish?
Well if you haven't done much for the year you've still got roughly 2 and a half months left to make yourself shine and be the awesome you that you can be.
Don't let anybody drag you down, break out of your shell and reach for the dreams you never thought you could ever reach.
It's that time of the year where the trees are changing colours but remember while they are changing colours they are not changing the being that they are. With every change that happens something even more wonderful is brought to light. Some days you may look at everything that happens in your life and wonder why it happens and then a few days later you see the reason for it happening.

Personally, I've found that when you release yourself from all the negativity that surrounds you and start paying attention to you, you start to see the bigger picture, the things that matter more to you and isn't that what counts?
I love helping people and I will in any way that I can even if that means I have to come out of my comfort zone. Making adjustments was a tad rough but hey you know what, when you realize that you can do it, anything is possible.
To keep myself occupied I've joined a program at school where I get to be a class representative and help my fellow classmates connect with the professor. I never thought that I would be that person to get up in front of a large room and make announcements. I've never liked public speaking but how will you ever get good at something if you never practice? My sister told me it's a good thing that I get to come out of my shell and stop being that behind the scenes kind of person. So if she can believe in me, why shouldn't I believe in me?

You never know if you're good at something unless you try, try, try!
Remember the only thing confining you are those walls that you built yourself.
Don't be shy, just spread your wings and fly.

---- MIRA

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Cheers to New Beginnings!

Hey to all my readers.... I know its been a while but I'm back.
Things have truly been hectic trying to get settled down into a new place. Moving away from home for the first time has been terrifying because things are so different and you just have to start from the beginning which of course is the best place to start from.
It's a strange experience because at the end of the day the usual faces you look forward to seeing when you get home aren't there and you realize that you're on your own and you're the one that has to get everything and do everything.
The people are different and the cultures are different, the environment is different but hey you know what you'll be fine. Just get everyday and go about life as normally as you can and believe me things do work out. Everything that happens, happens for the best and I believe this because I've experienced it and once you do, it'll be the most magical thing you've ever experienced(so to speak).

And it's fall you know the season of the pretty colors. The season where all the leaves change colors and drop off to usher in winter. Even though the leaves die every year, they never give up they just come back even more beautiful than ever before, than each year before, they come beautiful and they leave beautifully. So whatever you get involved in, whatever dreams or hopes keep jumping at you, never give up on it. Never let somebody tell you no that your dream is unrealistic because loves no dream is out of reach and most certainly no dream is unrealistic.

So I've started a new University and I don't really know the people here but as time goes by I'm making adjustments and I'm getting to know the place. Face are becoming familiar slowly but surly.
So maybe new beginnings aren't a bad thing, even when you have no idea what you're getting your self into. Just come out your shell and persevere. It pays off.

Remember folks the WHEEL OF LIFE never stops turning.
---- MIRA