Things have truly been hectic trying to get settled down into a new place. Moving away from home for the first time has been terrifying because things are so different and you just have to start from the beginning which of course is the best place to start from.
It's a strange experience because at the end of the day the usual faces you look forward to seeing when you get home aren't there and you realize that you're on your own and you're the one that has to get everything and do everything.
The people are different and the cultures are different, the environment is different but hey you know what you'll be fine. Just get everyday and go about life as normally as you can and believe me things do work out. Everything that happens, happens for the best and I believe this because I've experienced it and once you do, it'll be the most magical thing you've ever experienced(so to speak).
And it's fall you know the season of the pretty colors. The season where all the leaves change colors and drop off to usher in winter. Even though the leaves die every year, they never give up they just come back even more beautiful than ever before, than each year before, they come beautiful and they leave beautifully. So whatever you get involved in, whatever dreams or hopes keep jumping at you, never give up on it. Never let somebody tell you no that your dream is unrealistic because loves no dream is out of reach and most certainly no dream is unrealistic.
So I've started a new University and I don't really know the people here but as time goes by I'm making adjustments and I'm getting to know the place. Face are becoming familiar slowly but surly.
So maybe new beginnings aren't a bad thing, even when you have no idea what you're getting your self into. Just come out your shell and persevere. It pays off.
Remember folks the WHEEL OF LIFE never stops turning.
---- MIRA